Keeping your spirits up throughout the day can be difficult, but these inexpensive tips will help.
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Go for a walk
Walking is always free, and it’s an instant mood booster. If you can, get outside for some vitamin D and some quality time in nature. If you can’t, walk on a treadmill or just walk around your home for a bit. The movement will do your mood good.
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Get some sunshine
Even if you don’t have time for a walk outside, simply going outside for some sunshine will boost your mood. The sun will do you lots of good, as will seeing green. If it’s too cold to spend time outside, at least open your shades for the sunlight.
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Listen to music
We’re fortunate to live in a world where we can instantly access almost any music we want without any extra cost. If you need a quick serotonin hit, turn on your favorite song. Sing along if you’d like, or just let yourself be enveloped by the sounds.
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Eat dark chocolate
Dark chocolate has been scientifically proven to boost moods, and it’s hard to argue with science. If you need a little pick-me-up (in more ways than one), have a bite of dark chocolate. It doesn’t need to be gourmet. A Hershey bar will do the trick, too.
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Light a candle
Buying candles can be expensive, but there are plenty of inexpensive options, too. And the inexpensive options can be just as effective. Indulge in a little aromatherapy by lighting a candle and enjoying the lovely scent to increase your happiness.
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You might feel like a lunatic just smiling to smile, but would you rather feel sad? If you need a quick, cheap way to trick yourself into happiness, just start smiling. Your brain won’t know why you’re smiling; it’ll just think that something good is happening, and you’ll feel better.
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Laughing is a great way to boost your mood, too. Watch a funny video online. Read some memes. Ask a friend or a co-worker to tell you a joke. Whatever it is you need to do to make yourself laugh, do it.
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Drink coffee
Yep, coffee is a mood booster, too. While it can be expensive to buy coffee from a shop, you can make it at home or work very inexpensively. And even if you want to spend some dollars buying a fancy cup, you can justify it in the name of happiness.
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Exercise is another great way to boost your mood, so try to get in a good workout sometime during the day. If you can’t fit in something full, at least do a couple of minutes of cardio to release some endorphins.
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Take a nap
Naps are another great way to boost your mood. They can also boost your productivity and lead to further creativity, especially if you do it right. So the next time you feel bad about a little midday snooze, don’t. It’s good for your health.
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Sometimes, stress is the only thing standing in the way of your happiness. If that’s the case, do what you can to eliminate that stress. One inexpensive way to do so is through meditation. Even five minutes of mindfulness can clear your head and put you in a calmer space.
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Write a gratitude list
Perspective can do wonders for your mood, too. If you need a quick pick-me-up, write a list of things you’re grateful for. They can be major, like health and safety, or minor, like a tasty lunch or a cute outfit. Either way, it’ll remind you of everything in your life to be happy about.
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Watch your favorite TV show
If you’ve got some time, turn on an episode of your favorite TV show to boost your mood. If the show is too long, watch just a few scenes or even find a compilation of the best moments online.
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Do something kind
Doing something kind for another person hits two birds with one stone because you’re benefiting someone else and yourself. A random act of kindness can give you a major boost of happiness. Even something as simple as holding the door open for another person can make you feel better.
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Hug someone
To make use of this tip, you’ve got to be very intentional about who you hug. But if you have a family member, a close friend, or a partner nearby who’s open to a hug, give them one. Physical touch can boost both of your moods.
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Complete a brain teaser
A quick brain teaser can bring you quick happiness. Doing a mini crossword puzzle or a sudoku grid can bring about a sense of accomplishment and make you feel smart, both of which will make you feel a little bit better about yourself.
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Give yourself a facial massage
We hold lots of tension in our bodies, especially in our faces. To remove some tension, which will, in turn, relieve stress and boost your mood, give yourself a quick facial massage. There are tons of tutorials online to help you if you don’t know what to do.
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Drink some water
Seriously, staying hydrated is the answer to everything. Staying hydrated throughout the day can lead to better brain function, which means a better mood. Even a quick taste of cold water can make you feel better.
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Reading can transport you to a different world, and often, those worlds are much better than the one we’re living in. If you need a distraction and a mood boost, take a break to read for a bit. Even just 10 pages of a novel can increase your happiness.
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Put your phone away
Our phones can be huge sources of unhappiness. If you find that you’re comparing yourself to people you don’t know or are stuck in a doom scroll, put your phone away and engage in the real world. It’ll leave you much happier than you were before.
Acacia Deadrick is a South Dakota-based writer who has written for sites such as Nicki Swift, The List, and Glam. She loves music and all things pop culture, and she can be found watching TV, completing a crossword puzzle, or reading in her spare time.